Treasury Services Group

Performance History

Treasury Services Group originally commenced providing treasury and investment advice to Western Australian financial services companies, private and public listed companies and government bodies including Western Australian Treasury Corporation and Keystart Loans. The diverse roles of these engagements have included product pricing, debt advisory, treasury reviews, performance right valuations, policy formations and funding alternatives to Keystart Loans $4.5 billion funding book.

In 2013, Treasury Services Group successfully launched with Nero Resource Fund, a new independent investment manager, the first external investment product with Treasury Services Group in the role of licence holder and administrator. This assisted in building the Treasury Services Group infrastructure. 

Since the first successful launch, Treasury Services Group has, with significant due diligence from a substantial amount of genuine referrals, launched 12 unique funds for new independent investment managers in Western Australia on its custom built infrastructure. These funds have been across a wide range of structures and asset classes including cash, private and public equities, foreign exchange, derivatives and options, ETFs, ETNs, digital assets, public and private debt including convertible debt.

In 2020, Treasury Services Group completed the requirements for a proposed unique Australian bank. Treasury Services Group has put together a ready to go banking team, industry leading policy, processes and procedures and has received independent sign-off on detailed financial, capital, liquidity, funding and valuation modelling. The proposed Australia bank has pre commitments to unique funding structures, a single lending product for a targeted client base and utilises best of breed technology solutions.

In 2021, Treasury Services Group lodged and had accepted with the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority under the direct licensing framework, its extensive Authorised Deposit Institution application.

Treasury Services Group has provided a range of independent submissions to the numerous Australian government enquiries on the financial services industry with a continued focus on the improvement on transparency and integrity of Australian financial markets.